The application is a process automation system for enterprises and governmental organizations that allows to identify an incident, classify it and choose the right resolution scenario. The system allows to allocate employees to resolve the incident, manage their responsibilities and monitor the incident resolution progress.
Web application
24 months
.NET 3.5, ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server 2005/2008, WCF
Architect, 3 senior and middle developers, QA engineer
The customer is a major Dutch transport company.
Taking into account the client’s business domain, Intosoft was to create a flexible and intellectual incident management system that would help to achieve exceptional workflow stability. The idea was not only to develop a system that responds to the needs of transport service companies, but can also be applied to any organization, e.g. big enterprises, or crisis centers and even correctional facilities thus assisting organizations with their daily tasks.
Intosoft developed a web based application that is at the same time compatible with tablets and smartphones. To forecast possible incidents, the system constantly monitors the state of the company’s resources and analyzes their status. The system is able to determine and activate scenarios of possible incidents, allows to edit and change them at any time. The system can give the full picture of resources’ involvement, costs and time required for the resolution and other factors.
Incident management system presents the following features:
As a result, Intosoft managed to develop an intellegent system that allows to take full control over crisis communication. It represents the new generation of Intelligence Notifications systems (INS) that supports managing (crisis) communication. New technologies that were applied make it one of the smartest, most enhanced and flexible call engine.
Choosing Agile for this project allowed us to set clear goals and quickly implement new featues. Thereby, as technologies change constantly, it allowed us to anticipate any change in the requirements.
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